6th Esther Jordi Trophy
19th and 20th April 2024
Bagdad Iraq
Football meets Tennis
We play tennis with our feet, and invite You to participate in our upcoming competition.
The Trophy
TheEsther Jordi Trophy is split in two phases:
Qualification partification
Everyone can take part in the trophy.
Important information
As a rule, the best 8 women and 8 men are chosen in the knockout process. These 16 participants take part in the final and measure themselves against the best. The OC of the tournament reserves the right to award places in the finals to outstanding blank players. This reduces the number of participants from the qualification.
Final partification
The best 8 women and 8 men from the qualification or the end of the game who were invited by the OC committee
Important information:
Prize money 10'000.- CHF
The 6th Esther Jordi Trophy takes place in Iraq
April 19th and 20th, 2024
Universität Bagdad
Costs 25 euros
You will receive more information after registration.
About Football-Tennis
The Handshake
Football tennis is tennis played with the players feet. Thus, the team sport football becomes a single fight sport, or it is the real handshake between football and tennis.
Football tennis has its beginnings in the first half of the 20th century. Footballers use football tennis in their training.
In 1987, IFTA (International Footballtennis Association) became the first international world sports association. Esther Jordi was the first general secretary working on the side of Josef Rothenflueh, the first president. In 2010, another international association was born, namely UNIF (Union Internationale de Footnet). [Both organizations work hand-in-hand to promote football tennis all over the world.
Football tennis is rather unknown sports in Switzerland. However, it is well promoted in French-speaking part of Switzerland. An exception was Basel, our host city, where football tennis was played from the start. Basel has it’s own club, the Footballtennis club Basel. See Wikipedia for more Information.
Founding of the association Esther Jordi Trophy
Josef Rothenfluh, Thomy Beckmann, Grit Brockmann
On 6.12.19 the founding of the association Esther Jordi Trophy took place at the Coop-Restaurant Centre Bahnhof in Biel/Bienne.
The board members:
Josef Rothenfluh, President
Grit Brockmann, Vice President
Thomy Beckmann, cashier
Sherif Gaafar (without picture)
About Esther Jordi
Esther Jordi 1955-2018 was an innovative and extraordinary personality from Lengnau, Kanton Bern, Switzerland. She was very fond of Footballtennis, among many other activities and topics.
With this Trophy we continue the innovative spirit of the late Esther Jordi, the lady behind the idea of this tournament. This Trophy is an innovative high-level tournament designed to promote football tennis and make football- and tennis-players meet face-to-face in that innovative game, simply put the handshake between football and tennis.
Make us known
Contact our communications manager, Thomy Beckmann, at gezg6O3B4Obk7-X08-fo8vTk7e3k6u7s7PTv6Org9eju76-i6Q@nospam and you will receive promotional material.